I rushed to the post office today. I was worried that at any moment one of my three pick-up slips for packages would be shoved into the vortex of 'lost mail' as the Postal Strike commences. Luckily we are still clear and I now have 3 awesome Metal LP's in my collection.

As some of my readers know, it is very tough for me to find a Metallica LP that I still need for my collection. This marks my 15th copy of Garage Days, and a very nice copy as well. For any of you interested in sound quality, I would search for a mint USA original, or the remastered versions that are included in the latest 6 LP set of Garage Inc. Pictures of my Metallica collection will be posted this summer. It will take me a full day to do them all!

Cryptopsy- Once Was Not (Century Records, 2005)
This album is so heavy. Arguably their most grind-infused LP, Once Was Not is the last to feature 'Lord Worm' on vocals (who left the band to pursue a full time teaching career). I was fortunate enough to see them twice on this tour, and their drummer Flo Mournier to sign my CD (Wish I had the LP then!) The LP is no longer in print, though a copy is easily attainable on Ebay for around $20 plus shipping. Almost have every Cryptopsy LP now!
Burlington Record Show- June 5th, 10 AM
This Sunday marks the 4th annual Burlington Record Show, and a good one at that. Larry and Mark have worked together to hand pick some of the best dealers this country has to offer, and will be bringing in LP's to match anyone's budget. I should mention that every show I go to I buy from Larry. Last weekend I got a MINT copy of Starless and Bible Black by King Crimson for only $15 (It doesn't pop up often!); Not to mention that at all times he has over 40 Grateful Dead LP's for sale.
Sunday June 5th, Burlington
Burlington Sr's Center: 2285 New St.
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